Technologies that never caught up
One of the Sylvester Stallone’s best quotes form the movie Rocky was “Life ain’t all about sunshine and rainbows… ” and its even true for technologies. So here is a list of tech that never got their glory.
5) MMS(Multimedia Messaging Service)
Back in the days when MMS was launched it was considered to be the next best extension to the standard SMS(Short Messaging Service) that allowed only 160 characters to be sent, in a way that MMS would allowed the sharing of Pictures and Videos and a lot of other stuff, but sadly it was plagued by number of issues like lack of configurations for different handsets, large amounts of bill charged by the service providers to name a few and sadly the service became obsolete(but it did gain some cheap publicity as a medium for sharing obscene videos though 😛 ).
Succeeded by : Big Brother E-Mail,and now by apps like whatsapp etc.
To introduce Bhuvan in one line it was Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO)’s attempt to take over Google Maps. It too was launched with much hype of allowing satellite imagery of up to 10 meters from the ground and 3D view.
Well to say the least the users found really some nice features in the suite after its launch like the slow speed(and even inaccessibility) of the web site,and lack of support for our favorite browsers like Chrome,Firefox and Opera,which eventually lead to the downfall of the service even before the launch.
Succeeded By : Thankfully None 😛
3)Google Chrome OS
Chrome OS is a Linux-based operating system designed by Google to work exclusively with web applications.When it was launched it was seen as a direct competitor to Microsoft Windows OS and in a way to its Office Productivity Suite.
The only Native apps on the OS were Google Chrome Browser, a media player and a file manager.It required the users to be online to do most of the tasks(a luxury most of us still don’t have), and also the lack of support of native apps became its biggest weaknesses.
Succeeded by : In a way by Android
2) Meego OS
Meego was too an operating system but only for mobiles(and likes),It was jointly developed by big players like Intel and Nokia.According to Intel , it was developed because of Microsoft’s lack of support of Atom processors. It really had some decent development efforts, and was one of the first OS to allow applications being written in HTML5.
Reasons like Nokia going for Windows Phone OS, lack of interest by Intel (against Tizen) and too many API and Standards(ya you read it right), lead to an unregulated, unplanned development that eventually lead to its demise.
Succeeded by : Windows Phone,Android and Tizen
1)Push To Talk
If you have ever owned a Nokia Phone , you must have seen two “Walkie-talkie” icons on the screen and infact Push to talk was technology was built to enable “Walkie-talkie” style functionality on the phone.
The push-to-talk feature enabled quick connection to one person, or to a group of people, by using the side-mounted key. The function is a half-duplex voice over IP (VoIP) solution using the existing GPRS and EDGE data networks that are part of current GSM systems.
The lack of support and settings form the service providers in really prevented the technology from catching up, and ultimately Nokia stopped providing it.
Succeeded By : None (But I still believe it kinda cool to have such functionality in the phone.)
So you too have a tech in mind that “Really never caught up”, or have a suggestion do mention it in the comments and we assure you mention it our future post.
NOTE: The whole post is based solely on author’s views, and all the trademarks are respective properties of there owners. We got nothing to do with it .
Thanks for reading.
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